Gramene Quick Search Help

Quick Search

The Gramene "quick search" is a unique way to quickly search Gramene's primary databases, including Ensembl, markers/mappings, QTL, diversity, genes, proteins, pathways, ontology, and literature. Derived databases such as CMap (which is built from our markers/mappings database) are not included.

This search differs from the module-specific searches in that it uses a text indexing system to find "fuzzier" matches, which we hope will provide both a very responsive and thorough search of the most useful pieces of our main databases.

The actual search is performed using MySQL's "FULLTEXT" text indexing. As such, a wide range of syntax in the search terms can help narrow your search results. For example, a search for "+flower +organ" (with plus signs prefixing each term) is different from one for "flower organ" (without) as the plus signs indicate you wish to find both terms together whereas the second indicates you wish to find anything with either term. For the complete syntax you can use, please refer to MySQL's documentation found here:

The search results are grouped by Gramene module and their entities, such as a "Protein-Gene Product". No more than 10 entries per module section are shown on the initial search page; if there are more than this, you can page further into the results by clicking on the "Next" button or by indicating a page number and pressing the "Page" button.

The search terms are highlighted and shown in some context to help you determine the suitability of the hit. If you wish to view more about the record, click the "View" link on the right side to see more details on the record, usually in the module-specific search interface.

You may also click the "Module Search" link to carry out your search in the module-specific search tool. Note that this may yield different results given the broad and fuzzy nature of the "FULLTEXT" matching over the tighter matching requirements of most of the module searches.