expand all sections collapse all sections  FAQ
toggle section  FAQ
expand all sections collapse all sections  FAQ
toggle section  Gramene Program
toggle section  Data Curation
toggle section  Maps and CMap
toggle section  BLAST
toggle section  Proteins
toggle section  Ontologies
toggle section  Genomes
toggle section  Markers
toggle section  QTL
expand all sections collapse all sections  QTL
toggle section  Is there a tutorial or help section on how to use the QTL database?
toggle section  What are some examples of scientific queries that can be answered using the QTL database?
toggle section  How does Gramene select which QTL to curate?
toggle section  Are there any published QTL that are not in the database?
toggle section  Does Gramene present QTL from non-published sources?
toggle section  What is a QTL trait category and how are they derived?
toggle section  Where can I find the definition of a QTL trait category?
toggle section  How does Gramene assign trait symbols?
toggle section  Where can I find the definition of a QTL trait name?
toggle section  Are QTL displayed on species consensus maps in Gramene?
toggle section  How do I find information on a mapping population associated with a QTL map?
toggle section  Does Gramene provide any statistical parameters associated with its QTL analyses?
toggle section  I am looking for leaf blast QTLs. There are 83 QTLs, all mapped in Moroberekan/CO39 RFLP map by Wang et al. 1994! There are only ten QTLs in the article. Could you provide me with more information about how these QTLs were submitted.
toggle section  I'd like to know if it is possible in some way to obtain from Gramene the information regarding QTL associated markers (best scored, positive, flanking) or the info is always to be seek "manually" on the map and in the references?
toggle section  Is it possible to get markers for a particular rice QTL if I have a QTL accession id?
toggle section  Genes
toggle section  Literature
toggle section  Diversity
toggle section  GrameneMart
toggle section  Pathways
toggle section  Glossary
toggle section  Help Documents
toggle section  Tutorials and Exercises
toggle section  Gramene Documentation